Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Entry two

     The majority of Maus is the father's flashback to his experiences in Nazi era Europe.  The setting of course is Europe as it was being invaded by the Nazis.  What appealed to me about this book was the setting, it had a dark and threatening feel to it when it needed it.  Something that really conveys the mood of the book is the artwork.  The dark and dreary illustrations really helped to convey the constant dread that loomed over people in that point of time.

Ship Breaker/Randall
     The setting of Ship Breaker is in the aftermath of the flooding of earth the ocean level has risen and climate has dramatically changed.

The Boxes/Toren
      The book The Boxes charaters live in a modern day setting. Living with her fat aunt,who adopted her, she is miserable. Even with all of the money her aunt owns she doesn't cook or take care of the house. This forces Annie to go without any cooked meal and generally do without many luxuries you and I have making her life dull.
The boxes that her uncle leave eventually spark

The Westing Game/Teo
      The Westing Game takes place in the outskirts of Westington. This is located on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee,Wisconsin. The events are mainly taking place in the Sunset Towers and the Westing House where Sam Westing died. The mood is dreary/weary because of the death of Sam Westing. The characters in the novel are puzzled because one of them is supposedly the murderer and they are all the nieces and nephews of Sam. With the killer in the house, everyone is on their toes with the suspense that anything could happen at anytime.

The Highest Tide/ Matthew
          The Highest Tide takes place in modern time in the quiet Skookumchuck Bay in southern Washington. The main protagonist, Miles O'Malley, lives right next to the shore where he learns about marine biology. On his spare time, he goes around the bay looking for sea creatures. The only people who actually share this interest is a professor and his friend Phelps. The bay is where he discovers a giant squid in Puget Sound while exploring at night. If he never lived near the shore, he would have never found out about the creature or get surrounded by the media. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Entry One

The Westing Game/Teo
     I really like this book so far. A problem that is happening in this story is that a man named Sam Westing has recently passed away from an unknown cause. His nephews have been brought together for the reading of his will. One of the nephews has supposedly murdered him while he was at his house. Sam has started a game to find out who the killer was through his will. Everyone is confused and suspense has risen in the house.

Ship Breaker/Randall
     The character Nailer is part of a ship breaking crew, who are group of people who rip old ships apart to sell the part to make money. When a storm hits the beach a rich person’s ship gets caught in the storm and is beached a few miles from where Nailer lives. When he goes to investigate the downed ship he finds a girl that is close to death and Nailer decides to save her from death. Soon after she regains conscious she tells them that people are chasing her. Nailer has to decide to help her.

     In the book Maus, the main character is talking to his father about what troubles he and his family went through during world war 2.  The main conflict in the book is the main character's father's struggle in Europe during the time the Nazis were invading.  Due to the fact that he was Jewish he experiences drastic changes to his lifestyle as the story progresses.  As time passes, and the Nazis tightened their grip on Europe starts losing members of his family.  The Nazis send away his family members one by one and kill them, leading to the death of his wife.

    In the book boxes we are introduced to a high school girl named Annie. She is an orphan who is the only highlight in life is her mysterious uncle. She is forced to live with her uncle's sister a fat hypocritical lady whom she hates. Enduring her aunt is the least of her troubles when her uncle brings two boxes and tells her to hide them and above all not to open them. But she goes ahead and disobeys opening the wooden box in the basement when curiosity gets the better of her.

The Highest Tide/Matthew
   The protagonist of The Highest Tide is a thirteen-year-old boy named Miles O'Malley. As a boy living in Puget Sound in Washington, his passion is learning about marine biology. After sneaking out at night, he discovers an extremely rare giant squid that changes his life. Miles becomes an overnight star with everyone trying to learn about the subject. With all the publicity around him, Miles goes through strange events that affect him and his parents who currently want a divorce. The whole story involves Miles go through unexpected experiences with fame.